24/7 fall detection monitoring
viQtor, our 24-hour monitoring solution, also has fall detection. Many elderly people get into trouble when they fall. With viQtor on your arm, help is quickly on the spot. Thanks to the continuous connection via the NB-IoT network, the fall detection works always and everywhere.
- Falls are the most common cause of accidental injury in the elderly
- If the elderly are not found in time, they can die from dehydration or hypothermia after a fall
- viQtor has fall detection; an alert is automatically given after a fall
- Wearers can also call for help themselves with the help button

About viQtor
smartQare has developed viQtor, a unique multi-sensor solution for 24-hour remote monitoring and diagnostics of risk groups. A relevant and affordable tool that puts people first and helps healthcare professionals to organize the healthcare process around patients effectively and efficiently.
viQtor, our solution for 24-hour monitoring of:
Why fall detection?
Every five minutes, a person over the age of 65 ends up in the emergency department (ED) after a fall (Source: safety.nl). Falling is the most common cause of injury in the elderly. Each year, more than 5,000 elderly people die as a result of a fall. So that's 14 people a day, every day.
Most elderly people die from dehydration and/or hypothermia, because they have been lying on the floor for hours. It is expected that the number of A&E visits for injuries after a fall in the elderly will increase by 50% within 10 years.
A fall accident has a major impact on the self-reliance of the elderly. After a fall (or when the risk of falling is high) it is sometimes not possible to continue living at home. The quality of life can also decrease after a fall incident. For this reason we have added fall detection to viQtor.

Fall detection via viQtor
Every movement of the wearer is accurately registered by a 3-axis accelerometer, a gyroscope and a barometer (pressure gauge). If viQtor signals a combination of speed and height difference (pressure), this often means that the user falls. If the wearer has lost consciousness and does not move for 30 seconds, a message is automatically sent. An exact location determination is also immediately sent.
When the wearer is conscious but cannot get up on his own, he or she can press the help button himself. Help can then be sent quickly. This way, viQtor always offers the right care in the right place and at the right time.
Make an appointment for a demonstration
Would you like to know more about viQtor, our solution for 24-hour monitoring? Make an appointment for a demonstration and discover what viQtor can do for you.